Kick-Off Meeting

Budapest 2024.09.26.-27.


The Kick-off meeting will be held on the campus of ELTE. The venue is situated in close proximity of the tram line “4-6”. The name of the closest station is “Petőfi híd, budai hídfő”. Enter the building from the entrance on the side of the river and take the elevators to get to the meeting room.

Address: Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.

The Centre for Budapest Transport has apps for Android and IOS which you can use to by tickets and day passes. It also has a decent route planner.


Thursday, September 26.Room 7.94-95
09:30Arrival, coffee
10:00László Oroszlány, Welcome
10:15Marta Galbiati, Overview of the Valencia node
10:30Jose Joaquin Perez Grau, TBA
11:00Felix Büttner, Overview of the HZB node
11:30Coffee Break
11:45László Oroszlány, Overview of the ELTE node
12:00Zoltán Tajkov, Revealing the topological phase diagrams of 2D heterostructures using SIESTA
12:30László Szunyogh, Overview of the BME node
12:45Balázs Nagyfalusi, TBA
14:00Amador Garcia-Fuente, Overview of the Oviedo node
14:15Gabriel Martinez-Carracedo and Rosa González-Ferreras, TBA
14:30Aurelio Hierro Rodrigez, TBA
14:45Andrey Rybakov, TBA
15:00Levente Rózsa, TBA
15:15Coffee Break
15:30Péter Makk, Quantum transport studies of 2D materials
16:00Sándor Bordács, TBA
16:30László Oroszlány, Concluding Remarks
19:00Kick-off dinner
Friday, September 27.Room 5.128
09:00Admin Workshop & Lab tour
13:30Free discussions